Best Day of our Lives

Best Day of our Lives

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

{Why I Now Love Things That Used To Annoy Me About My Spouse}

Like any other girl my age just about, I am on social media A LOT. My top two are Instagram and Facebook. Over the past year or so, I have noticed a big difference is status updates from girls my age. We have gotten older and a lot of girls have gotten married. Posts that used to be about parties and loving their boyfriends have now gone to what annoys them about their husbands and complaining about them and blah blah blah. I see in on Facebook and a lot in real life as well. These women talk about how their husbands don’t buy them anything, don’t compliment them enough, don’t help enough, don’t do anything, and do this wrong and that wrong. They talk about how they always clean the kitchen and do the laundry, but fail to mention that their husbands work 8 hour days to support them. They talk about how their husbands never buy them flowers or jewelry, but also don’t mention that they haven’t gotten their husband a new watch or video game in who knows how long. I also see this with some husbands as well. They talk about how their wife is such a brat and sometimes they don’t like being home with them, but when was the last time they took their wife on a date or watched America’s Next Top Model with them. Relationships go both ways folks. Sometimes, other girls will ask me what annoys me about my husband and I honestly can’t really answer anything.

Michael treats me like a complete princess. That is one thing I love about him. He does so much for me and I notice even the little things. Like yesterday for instance, while we were at our niece’s volleyball game, I stood up to go get his jacket out of the car because I was cold. Instead, he got up and told me to stay and that he would go get it. Then, after the game when we went to Rubio’s, we were sharing on side of a booth. I asked him if he could get out of the booth real fast so I could get out and go get some salsa. Instead, he said he would just go get it for me. It’s little things like that that really are HUGE to me. And I try to thank him for every little and big thing that he does for me.  I try to look more for his good qualities instead of any flaws. We laugh, make fun of each other and of course, we still fight, but our fights are over in about 5 minutes. Honestly, one reason that I think he treats me so amazingly is because I love the crap out of him and I want everyone to know it. If you start talking bad about your husband to your husband and the public, why would that make him want to change or do things for you? 
It won’t.

So, without further ado, these are a few of the things that used to kind of annoy me, but I got over them and now love these little things about my husband.

1.  That toothpaste cap

Oh my goodness. So, I have a little bit of OCD and it used to drive me absolutely CRAZY when I would see the toothpaste cap left off of the toothpaste. I didn’t understand why it was so hard to take two seconds to just screw the cap back on. Now, I look back and wonder why I got so agitated all the time. It’s just a toothpaste cap. Whenever I see the toothpaste cap off, I think “well, at least he brushed his teeth!” and who doesn’t love those fresh brushed teeth.

2.  Video Games

I have never been a video game player and I never really understood them that well. I get bored of them after like 5 minutes and whenever ANYONE played them, I got kind of annoyed because I didn’t get the point. And Mike doesn’t even play them that often. Like once a week maybe. Now I don’t mind at all when he plays them. Why? Because I used to work nights and so he only played some nights because he worked days. Now, if he ever plays, it’s still at night and I am there now, because I work days, and I love it because it’s a reminder that I get to be home with him so it doesn’t matter what we are doing. All that matters is that I get to spend the night with my husband.

3.  Gym

I used to dislike him going to the gym when we were dating or sometimes even when we were married because sometimes it would mess up our schedule, sometimes I wouldn’t want to go, or it meant he would be spending time away from me. I realized now that that is so stupid. I now love that he goes to the gym! I love that he also has managed to get me to love going to the gym and I am starting to feel a lot better about myself. And I love that he goes to the gym because what girl doesn’t want her man to have a nice body.

4.  Obsession with Guns

Well, I mean it’s not a big obsession, but he really likes guns. It used to kind of annoy me whenever we would go gun shopping or he would be at home cleaning his guns, because once again, I just want his attention. However, now I really like and appreciate his knowledge of guns. He has taught me how to load and work with every single gun we own and it makes me feel safe knowing that his experience with guns.

5.  Talk about ex’s

Cue rolling my eyes here. I hated any time any ex’s name got brought up. What girl doesn’t? And I wouldn’t say that I actually “love” when their names get brought up, but now it serves as more of a reminder that I am his wife and he chose ME to marry. Ex’s are ex’s for a reason and I don’t really think it’s bad when they get brought up, as long as your aren’t still in love with them.

6.  Always getting dressed up to go anywhere

This one used to absolutely drive me crazy. We would be chilling at home in sweats and suddenly want to go get Jack in the Box or a Redbox movie. So, I would be like “let’s go” and grab the keys and put on my flip flops. Mike, on the other hand, would change out of his gym shorts, put on jeans, try on at least 3 new wrinkle-free shirts, put on socks and Vans, and go do his hair, which would take quite a bit of time. I never understood why he had to look good to just go through a fast food drive thru or to run into Wal Mart for 5 minutes. He explained it to me well one day though. He always want to look presentable because you never know what could happen while you are out. When he was single, he wanted to always look good because he never knew where he would meet a girl. Now, he doesn’t get ready to go looking for girls, but he still likes feeling good about himself and looking presentable when he goes out. And it doesn’t bother me anymore because there has not been a single moment where we have gone out anywhere and I have been embarrassed by what he was wearing or wished he didn’t look so sloppy. He always looks nice and I really appreciate that. You will never ever catch him anywhere just wearing gym shorts or sweatpants, unless he is at the gym. I, on the other hand, am a completely different story. My wardrope consists of yoga pants and comfy shirts. But I love that my husband compliments me a ton when I get ready, so it makes me want to look good for him and the public as well.

So, wives and husbands, boyfriends and girlfriends, stop nit picking at everything little flaw your significant other has and start loving the little things that make them unique. I promise you that the minute you do this, you will find a million more reasons to love the person you are with and you will feel a lot more love as well.